

Hum of the pavement
beneath my toes
I watch for onlookers watching me
Beginning to balance

Leaving is the best part
I run high on freedom
allowing us all our favorite company
I wouldnt do the things i do alone

Familiar faces remind me
to a home I will return to
Echo mountain

Hands on drums
Euk strumming
voices fill the misty air
hours pass and we sing on
Sharing more than we thought we would.


Goodbye For Now, My Friend

Goodbye For Now, My Friend

Sierra headed back to San Diego today. I am so happy to have freinds that come and go and are free. I am happy that I could build the relationship with her that I did before she left, and that I could be there to say goodbye. She is an important person to me, and I feel amazing when ever she is around. I have not felt connected and open to someone in the way I felt with her for a very long time (if ever). I love her and wish her the best on her journeys. I know she will have so many stories to tell me by the next time I see her again. 

Sierra has taught me:

  • Positivity. Ive never heard her say a single negative thing about anyone. I love having people like this in my life.
  • Celebration of moments. She taught me about being stoked just to be. Where ever she is, she is happy to be there. We could be in a small group or a big group, SD or Humboldt, and she would tell me how great of a time she is having and how much she loves all that is around her. 
  • Independence. I feel so independent and empowered and thoughtful around her. We really flow with each other to create that. I like how she is okay being alone and even traveling alone, because it shows how congruent she is with herself.
  • Spontaneity. There are a lot of ideas I have and journeys I want to take, but dont usually have someone who will jump in and do them with me. I loved how easy it was for her to say yes, and how I never had to worry about her having a good time. I loved how I would actually do these things too since I had her company. 

Things we didnt do yet 

  • Go to the bookstore
  • Moonrise herbs
  • Take pole lessons
  • Lightening in a Bottle
  • Travel along the coast
  • Backpack together
  • visit her in NY?? 
  • Travel the world 


Insense burning
Work is a part of being a good person
I think to my reflection
Trying to convince myself to do dishes
But its true
If my goal is to be calm and peaceful
Then I want to create that in the spaces around me.
Therefore, I have a new rule:
I can only think kind words
towards myself
As long as I am in my room

Another thought: 
Identity attachments distract us from our identity
Generations before us , didn’t have the induced anxiety perception through social media that we do.
Looking for that next high
Likes release chemicals in the brain
We are social creatures
Using our biology against us. 



Flesh colored tones through closed eyes
Blink to sunshine
The gravel pushes off my toes
propelling my another step
The calm before a storm
I am as prepared as I can be
I haven’t been sleeping lately
A blue pill on my lips
Hid the drowsiness
My favorite assistant.
Wednesday is almost here
A shower, a nap, a book, a blog, and more await my time
Window down, chin to elbow
I can smell the salt in the air
Energized only by the ocean
The storm arrives as I do.
I write my name in the corner
and begin. 

Dry Lagoon

Dry Lagoon

White and black
Looking closer
finely grained stones
stick to my palms
a point accented by the waves
mist is approaching over the mountains
feel the texture change under my boots
yellow stains the sand
Victorian gem spies on us
from between the branches
dying in masses
blue and clear ameobas
following the shape of the tide
and dead
do you want to go the the top?
if its possible, I’m down
swirls of orange cut by the rigid texture of wood
but my fingertips see the cool touch of stone
Independently entertained
Hunting for treasure
stones engulphed in the white foam
My favorite people are those I can be silent with
Funny thing to be able to choose
I haven’t replied yet.
A reminder of the world
soft breeze through my sweater
the tide plays on the shore
a little different each time

Free Thought 

Free Thought 

Coffee calms my attention
Feeling capable today
Open chair and and open mind

I like myself
A superb feeling
Where is Eskender

Im doing this so I can see a friend
Motivation at its finest
Every person walking behind me
Makes my head turn

I love so many things
This morning was one of them
Pumkin Pie coffee
picnic table in the sunshine
sweet sweet sweet boys
made my morning

Lets climb a tree for real today?
I like you

Determining the control and the treatment
I am okay
I feel myself behind my voice

Overwelmed by the near future
Distrust in myself to meet the end
I just want to climb a tree
And see Gilley

Misery wants company
Empowered by the context of conversation
Understanding why people prefer complaining
Sometimes saying “I cant” helps you overcome it